£22.50 per bag
RRP £25.00
Save £2.50
  • Back in stock 21/04
  • Large Charcoal Pieces
  • Long Burn Duration 
  • Low Smoke Output

Orders placed will be dispatched from 21st April.

Restaurant grade charcoal, mainly used for BBQ cooking, is also a good fuel to use on a fire pit or chimenea. 

Restaurant grade charcoal is made up of large charcoal pieces, which means it burns longer than ordinary lumpwood charcoal. 

Charcoal burns for longer, and hotter than what logs will. On top of this, the smoke output is still low. 

Full description


Why does this product make a good fire pit fuel? 

Just like when used on a BBQ, charcoal gives off an incredible amount of heat. What's more, this product will burn for 4+ hours. The long burn duration of this product means less time spent tending to the fire pit. 

Another benefit of this fuel is that it is very easy to light. Charcoal will smoke initially until it is burning properly, from here the smoke output reduces. 

How do I start a fire on my fire pit?

Using charcoal as a fire pit fuel couldn't be any easier. Simply lay a base of charcoal in the fire pit, add a couple of firelighters, and lay a few more pieces of charcoal around the firelighters. 

Once you are ready, light the firelighters with a long match or lighter. The charcoals will soon catch fire and you can sit back and relax! 

Add a more charcoal pieces as necessary or when the fire starts to slow down. Do not leave the fire pit unattended, and if you need to put the fire out quickly, simply pour water over the fire pit. 

Can I use anything else with this product?

As mentioned above, you will need firelighters to get the fire going. Once burning away, charcoal glows red rather than giving off nice flames to look at. If you want a long burning product, along with a nice flame to look at, we recommend using birch logs on the fire pit as well. 


Product Type
Charcoal, Fire Pit Fuel,
Bag Weight
Charcoal Features
  • Steady Heat Output
  • Flavorsome Results
  • Low Smoke
Burning Appliance
Multi Buy Discounts
1 Bag , 25 Bags, 12 Bags, 50 Bags,
Type of Fuel